
Archive for May, 2010

This is what we are

A transition from 2oth  to 21th century. I belong to the clad of people, who relish panipuri as much as pizza, who enjoy kishore da equally as bryan adams.  We not only know what a trunk call was but used it and all use speed and voice dailing to call foreign nations. We where the first in our families to discover video calling, master chatting and SMS atunbelievable speed.

We learnt typing from typewriters and also saw them vanish in thin air. We belong to that generation who saw Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid and Sauvrav Ganguly in their pink youth and made them legends. We where also the ones who supported, screamed and cherished Dhoni and his men lifting the first T20 worldcup.

We have seen technological revolutions in tremendous pace, have seen technologies, companies rise and fall. We are the ones who traveled abroad for only weekly meetings. We are the ones who are taking the torch of Indian metros to the level of an developed nations.

We belong the generation who has made the most use of domestic flights, and the ones who have explored the wildest places of Indian terrains.

We are the change, and we change.

But deep within this pride global men, we do not know the epics had has been our traditions, nor are we aware of epics of the west.  We are neither able to sit on the ground and eat properly nor able to keep calm in lavish starred hotels. We are neither deeply rooted to our roots nor have been able to fly high. We are happy of heavy salaries but have not been parted with the wisdom to make the best use of it. We spend on gizmos more than essentials. Families are becoming mere daily calls. There is prosperity, which brings in with it a huge cultural change we oursleves are unaware of.

It time for our generation to gain some perspective and introspect the path we take and the dream we are about to engulf.

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