
Posts Tagged ‘^C’

Ocassionaly when u ftp a file to unix environment in ascii mode. You see special characters at the end of each line. So deleting them manually is painful and unneccassary. Here are a few methods to delete those special characters.

1. Transfer the fiels in the binary mode. The best method.

2. Use the following command

tr -d “15” filename

Example: tr ?d ?15? filename.txt

The following is a brief list of Control characters octal representation:

Oct Dec Hex Name
000 0 0x00 NUL
001 1 0x01 SOH, Control-A
002 2 0x02 STX, Control-B
003 3 0x03 ETX, Control-C
004 4 0x04 EOT, Control-D
005 5 0x05 ENQ, Control-E
006 6 0x06 ACK, Control-F
007 7 0x07 BEL, Control-G
010 8 0x08 BS, backspace, Control-H
011 9 0x09 HT, tab, Control-I
012 10 0x0a LF, line feed, newline, Control-J
013 11 0x0b VT, Control-K
014 12 0x0c FF, form feed, NP, Control-L
015 13 0x0d CR, carriage return, Control-M
016 14 0x0e SO, Control-N
017 15 0x0f SI, Control-O
020 16 0x10 DLE, Control-P
021 17 0x11 DC1, XON, Control-Q
022 18 0x12 DC2, Control-R
023 19 0x13 DC3, XOFF, Control-S
024 20 0x14 DC4, Control-T
025 21 0x15 NAK, Control-U
026 22 0x16 SYN, Control-V
027 23 0x17 ETB, Control-W
030 24 0x18 CAN, Control-X
031 25 0x19 EM, Control-Y
032 26 0x1a SUB, Control-Z


3.  In vi, do a :%s/^M//g

To get the ^M hold the control key, press V then M (Both while holding the control key) and the ^M will appear. This will find all occurances and replace them with nothing.

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